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Category: Healthy Aging

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11 Risk Factors for Dementia: Early Signs & Prevention

An older couple sitting at a table doing memory puzzles with their adult child watching.

Dementia is a condition that impacts some older adults  and profoundly affects their loved ones and caregivers. Navigating the challenges posed by dementia requires quality care, such as memory care programs, to meet needs and promote well-being. While it’s often associated with aging, dementia is not a normal part of growing older. 11 risk factors […]

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Exercises for Seniors with Arthritis

An older adult works with a physiotherapist and resistance bands to build strength and alleviate arthritis symptoms.

Living with arthritis can sometimes feel like a constant battle. But engaging in the right physical activity can help manage arthritis symptoms, enhance mobility, and boost overall well-being. Some great exercises for seniors with arthritis include: There isn’t a single best answer for the right exercise because it ultimately depends on how arthritis affects a […]

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