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Category: Memory Care

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What Is the Difference Between Memory Care & Dementia Care?

Older man looking longingly out the window.

Memory care and dementia care are frequently used when discussing specialized care for older adults. Though they may sound similar, these terms relate to different kinds of services and support specifically designed to meet the requirements of people with cognitive difficulties.  When choosing the appropriate care for a loved one, it’s important to understand the […]

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The Difference Between Assisted Living & Memory Care

An assisted living staff jotting down the results of the blood pressure test she administered to an older adult woman.

If you have an aging loved one who needs specialized care, you may wonder if they need “personal care” and “memory care.” While these levels of care seem similar, there are significant differences between them.  Personal care (also known as assisted living) is a lifestyle option at senior living communities that provides assistance and support […]

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